LogDay 1.0 review

by rbytes.net on

LogDay script opens up KEdit in a specific folder, using as title for the simple text file the two last digits of the year followed b

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Flavio Carrara
0 stars award from rbytes.net

LogDay script opens up KEdit in a specific folder, using as title for the simple text file the two last digits of the year followed by the numer of the day in the year, sequencially.

I also use a keyboard shortcut (set up manually on Control Center) for quicklly accessing the file. I use Ctrl+Alt+

Everyday, a new file is created. Usefull it for scrapping, logging, brainstorming, taking any kind of notes, writing journals, poetry, whatever.

Just change it to the path you want and have fun!

You might have to set it as executable.

LogDay 1.0 keywords