xcave 2.2.3 review

by rbytes.net on

xcave is a cellar manager

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 408K
Developer: Jean-Philippe Hergott
0 stars award from rbytes.net

xcave is a cellar manager. I mean a software to allow you to view and manage the contents of a wine cellar.

The software is available for linux only - the 'wine' referred to here, is for drinking, nothing to do with Windows emulator.

Here are some key features of "xcave":
Wine cellar manager,
Graphical representation of the cellar. The rack number and rack dimensions can be changed,
Many fields are predetermined depending on the appellation,
Stock data or information about a specific wine can be printed,
Tasting notes and comments,
xml structure for the stock file,
Colour differences calculated by vintage and time stored in cellar,s
Different sorting and presentation options - by maturity, name, vintage (year), producer and quantity.

xcave is distributed with GPL, available for Linux only.

What's New in This Release:
This release modifies the return code for the function UTF8toisolat1().

xcave 2.2.3 keywords