Kopete Now Listening for Amarok review

by rbytes.net on

Kopete Now Listening for Amarok script will update your Kopete status to "Amarok is playing title -artist", and set your global photo

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 3K
Developer: Andras Georgy Bekes
0 stars award from rbytes.net

Kopete Now Listening for Amarok script will update your Kopete status to "Amarok is playing title -artist", and set your global photo to current album cover.

What I did is putting together all the contributed script on my blog and put it as an amarok script.


What's New in This Release:
The "Kopete: command not found" keep on coming, again. This time I see it on amarok 1.4-svn. Seems to be related to the echo commands all over the script which doesn't have its output redirected to a file. I redirected all echo's output to ~/log.txt and the error mesage is gone. Yay!

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