Sparklines for Java 1.0 review

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Sparklines are 'intense, simple, wordlike graphics.' There's a PHP library for producing sparklines, and even a sparklin

License: The Apache License 2.0
File size: 29K
Developer: logrodnek
0 stars award from

Sparklines are 'intense, simple, wordlike graphics.'

There's a PHP library for producing sparklines, and even a sparkline web service, but I wanted something I could use to generate sparklines in both Java and JSTL (and I thought it would be a fun project). (It's also worth checking out Why's minimalist python sparklines, which encode the image data directly in the HTML as a data: URI [this library allows you to encode the images as using either data: format or javascript: format (supported by IE) in JSTL])

JSTL examples

< %@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" % >
< %@ taglib prefix="spark" uri="" % >
< c:set var="test" value="5, 35, 22, 19, 16, 10, 4, 33, 9, 12, 27, 36, 22" / >
< img src="< spark:bar name="test" color="red" / >" / >

will produce:

(I think the default size might be a little large).

The "name" attribute specifies the key to find the data (Uses JspContext.findAttribute). It expects the value to be either a List, a Number[], or a String of comma separated int values. It's the only manditory attribute.

The other attributes are width, height, spacing, color, highColor, lastColor, output. You can replace "bar" with "line" to get a linegraph (note: highColor and lastColor are currently not supported for line graphs).

The color attributes can either be a color name (a field name from java.awt.Color), or a HTML hex color (e.g. #ff0000 for red).

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