Object::PerlDesignPatterns 0.03 review

by rbytes.net on

Object::PerlDesignPatterns is a Perl architecture for structuring and refactoring large programs. SYNOPSIS lynx perldesignpat

License: Perl Artistic License
File size: 550K
Developer: Scott Walters
0 stars award from rbytes.net

Object::PerlDesignPatterns is a Perl architecture for structuring and refactoring large programs.


lynx perldesignpatterns.html
perldoc Object::PerlDesignPatterns


Documentation: Ideas for keeping programs fun to hack on even after they grow large. Object, lambda, hybrid structures, Perl specific methods of refactoring, object tricks, anti-patterns, non-structural recurring code patterns.

PerlDesignPatterns is a free book sporting:

Ideas for keeping programs fun to hack on even after they grow large. Object, lambda, hybrid structures, Perl specific methods of refactoring, object tricks, anti-patterns, non-structural recurring code patterns.

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