BSNMP ping 0.1 review

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BSNMP ping is a module for bsnmpd which allows you to measure latency and reachability

License: BSD License
File size: 305K
Developer: Nate Nielsen
0 stars award from

BSNMP ping is a module for bsnmpd which allows you to measure latency and reachability. It sends out ICMP packets to the configured hosts.

A history of received packets is maintained, and you can query via SNMP how many dropped packets, maximum/minumum latency and other stats for that history period.

As bsnmpd only runs on BSD's (seems that way), this will also be the case for bsnmp-ping.


The following example pings two hosts. The first gets pinged once per second, and keeps a history for 300 seconds. The second is pinged 5 times per second, and the history is kept for 30 seconds.

The following would be added to /etc/snmpd.config:

begemotSnmpdModulePath."ping" = "/usr/local/lib/"
pingHost.1 = ""
pingInterval.1 = 100
pingHistory.1 = 300

pingHost.2 = ""
pingInterval.1 = 20
pingHistory.1 = 150

BSNMP ping 0.1 keywords