CGI::EasyCGI 0.5.0 review

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Simple to use, single file with no dependencies, and short learning curve for those times when you don't want or need the swiss army

License: Perl Artistic License
File size: 4K
Developer: Jeremy Wall
0 stars award from

Simple to use, single file with no dependencies, and short learning curve for those times when you don't want or need the swiss army knife of cgi modules.


use CGI::EasyCGI;
my $Page = EasyCGI->new_page("html");
my $Cookie = {Name => "pklogin", Value => {UserName => $Self->{Env}{username}, Password => $Self->{Env}{password}}; $Page->add_cookie($Cookie);
%PKEnv = EasyCGI::cgi_request() or die "No Http Environment";
%Cookies = EasyCGI::get_cookie_list() or die "no cookies";
$SomeCookie = $Cookies{SomeCookieName}; $SomeCookieValue = $$SomeCookie(SomeCookieVariable};
my $Html = "hello world!!"; $Page->append_to_page($Html);

This module handles all the details of sending a document of any content type to a WebBrowser. It also handles retrieving form data from sent via "get" or "post" in regular or multipart/form-data encodings(file uploads). It does this transparently to the user through a single interface. Finally it handles setting and retrieving cookies. It does all this as a standalone module with no dependencies for an easy install.


CGI::EasyCGI 0.5.0 keywords