DBIx::XML::DataLoader 1.1b review

by rbytes.net on

DBIx::XML::DataLoader contains a set of modules that are meant to work together

License: Perl Artistic License
File size: 25K
Developer: DBIx::XML::DataLoader Team
0 stars award from rbytes.net

DBIx::XML::DataLoader contains a set of modules that are meant to work together. DBIx::XML::DataLoader.pm the core for this package DB.pm which contains the sql specific stuff MapIt.pm handles parsing the xml mapping file IsDefined.pm a simple module for making sure empty data sets are defined

dataloader uses a external map(see map instructions below) file written in xml to find its instructions for handling the data contained in the xml data files that will be imported.


use DBIx::XML::DataLoader;

my $mapper=DBIx::XML::DataLoader->new(map=>"map.xml");
my $response=$mapper->processxml(xml=>"data.xml");


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