DigicaMerge 2.00 review

by rbytes.net on

DigicaMerge project is a commandline tool to merge directories of pictures taken with digital cameras

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 16K
Developer: Jerome Alet
0 stars award from rbytes.net

DigicaMerge project is a commandline tool to merge directories of pictures taken with digital cameras. If you've got a digital camera, your hard disk probably contains many directories full of pictures all named with the same names.

This utility allows you to merge such directories' contents into a new directory, and renames all the pictures on the fly, ensuring no filename clash will occur.

You can define your own naming scheme, using either a set of predefined variables or any recognized Exif tag which may be present in your pictures, and also specify a pattern to select only certain files.


- Extract it :

$ gzip -d digicamerge-x.xx.tar.gz | tar -xf -
where x.xx is digicamerge's latest version number.

- Install it :

Go to digicamerge's directory:
$ cd digicamerge-x.xx

Just type:

$ python setup.py install

You may need to be logged in with sufficient privileges (e.g. root)

This will generally install digicamerge in /usr/local/bin or an equivalent path depending on your system.

- Launch it :

Just type :

$ digicamerge

And read the long help message which contains examples.

What's New in This Release:
A command line option was added to automatically remove duplicate pictures when merging directories.
The manual page is now included in the package.

DigicaMerge 2.00 keywords