DOM Menu 0.3.2 review

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DOM Menu allows developers to add dynamic, hierarchical popup menus on their web pages

License: LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Dan Allen
0 stars award from

DOM Menu allows developers to add dynamic, hierarchical popup menus on their web pages. The direction of the menu can either be horizontal or vertical and the menu can open (or popout) in either direction. It has both screen edge detection and < select > element detection (for browsers that cannot hide these form elements).

The styles for the menu items are contr olled almost entirely through CSS and the menus are created/hidden using the DOM (Document Object M odel).

Menu configuration is done using a custom Hash() class and is very portable from a PHP type array structure. The menus attempt to follow the look and feel of well known GUI toolkit menus.

cannot use opposite direction to open
opera 7 having difficulty with table (need to work around)

What's New in This Release:
added support for IE 5.0
fixed problem when submenu was deactivated and parent would highlight
added a converter from phplayersmenu

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