libZI 0.0.3 review

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libZI is a library that allows developers to store configuration information into an xml-file using a predefined and common syntax st

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Matt T. Proud
0 stars award from

libZI is a library that allows developers to store configuration information into an xml-file using a predefined and common syntax structure. The following encompasses the rationale behind such a library: It has become common in Unix based environments to store configuration information into text-files.

The problem, however, became the lack of a designated syntax and storage types. The solution, libZI, a typesafe way of storing and retrieving data from an xml file that appears completely seamless to the developer, for he or she does not have to worry about type conversions -- libZI handles it itself.

At present, libZI has the rough capability of an old Windows *.ini file. Simply, it lacks tree capabilities. That will be integrated into its design later on. Despite that limitation, the library supports storing and retrieving the primitive datatypes from C/C++.The library is still in its development state, and will probably remain there for a while. As for the syntax for libZI's output, that should remain rather consistent throughout the versions with the exception of some tag additions.

Adding the the consistency of libZI, it asserts itself as a cross-platform library. Its foundation resides on use of libXML2 (See II for further information). This means at the time of writing this, Linux, Unix, CygWin, MacOS (X), RISC OS, OS/2, VMS, and QNX should support libZI through its libXML foundation.


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