pam-telecenter 0.3pre1 review

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pam-telecenter is a PAM module that provides remote authentication with roaming and pseudo-user accounts to telecenters. Roaming i

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Gustavo Franco
0 stars award from

pam-telecenter is a PAM module that provides remote authentication with roaming and pseudo-user accounts to telecenters.

Roaming is only supported through PostgreSQL.

Compiling and installing pam-telecenter:

If you're using Debian GNU/Linux, you can install the libpam-telecenter downloading it from . This package will be added in the distribution soon.

If you're not using Debian GNU/Linux, follow these steps:

Check if you've libpq3 (PostgreSQL C client library), gcc (to compile the
library), PAM library and a system configured to use it.

Run 'make' under its directory. If it fails maybe you'll need to change the
Makefile, if you don't know how paste the output in a message and contact us

The 'make' output, will show you something like:

gcc -Wall -I. -I/usr/include/postgresql -c -o db_pgsql.o db_pgsql.c
gcc -Wall -I. -I/usr/include/postgresql -c -o pam_telecenter.o pam_telecenter.c
gcc -shared -o db_pgsql.o pam_telecenter.o -lpam -ldl -lpq

Check if under '/lib/security' there are a lot of, if it's empty or the directory doesn't exist, you'll need to check where your OS store the PAM modules. Hint: Find for

Listing the current directory, now it has ''. Copy this file to
'/lib/security/' or the other directory as explained above.

What's New in This Release:
This pre-release contains "logout" register support (in tests yet), uses autotools for building, and is suitable for developers or experienced administrators only.

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