Prodder 0.5 review

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Prodder is a command-line based Podcast client written in Perl that runs on just about any *n*x system

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Aaron Carroll
0 stars award from

Prodder is a command-line based Podcast client written in Perl that runs on just about any *n*x system. Prodder implements a few very useful features that are lacking in many of the existing tools, while remaining simple and light-weight.

Here are some key features of "Prodder":
Interactive and autonomous (cronjob) modes.
Selective downloading (great for dialup'ers and low-volume users).
Extended item information (date, enclosure url/size, description).
User-defined download directory structure (based on title, category, date).
Playlist generation.

Prodder is released under the GNU General Pulic Licence.

Perl 5 (any version should do)
XML::DOM Perl module
HTML::FormatText::WithLinks Perl module

What's New in This Release:
Mangling of item descriptions that occurred when they were viewed more than once was fixed.
An arbitrary shell execution vulnerability was fixed.
General code cleanups and reorganisations were made.
Data destined for the filesystem are now sanitized.
Behaviour when the title/category are undefined was corrected.
The client now works works when 'less' is not available.

Prodder 0.5 keywords