pydelicious 0.3.0 review

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License: Python License
File size: 0K
Developer: regenkinder
0 stars award from

pydelicious library allows you to access the web service of via it's API through python.

def getrss(tag = "", popular = 0, url = '', user = ""):
get posts from via parsing Rss

tag (opt) sort by tag
popular (opt) look for the popular stuff
user (opt) get the posts by a user, this striks popular
url (opt) get the posts by url '''

def apiNew(user, passwd):
creates a new _DeliciousApi object
requires username and passwd

class _DeliciousAPI:
def __init__(self, user, passwd):
initialize the api with username and passwd

def tags_get(self):
get the tags

def tags_rename(self, old, new):
rename a tag

def posts_update(self):
when have the posts been updated

def posts_dates(self, tag = ""):
when have the posts been posted

def posts_get(self, tag="", dt="", url=""):
get the posts, filtering may help

def posts_recent(self, tag="", count=""):
what have been the 'latest' posts

def posts_all(self, tag=""):
get me all posts

def posts_add(self, url, description="", extended="", tags="", dt="", replace="no"):
add an post to

url - the url of the page you like to add
description - a description of the page, often the title of the page
extended (opt) - an extended description, could be some kind of comment
tags - tags to sort your posts
dt (opt) - current date in format ...., if no date is given, the current
date will be used

def posts_delete(self, url):
delete a post by url

def bundles_all(self):

def bundles_set(self, bundle, tags):

def bundles_delete(self, bundle):

This are short functions for common api calls.

def add(user, passwd, url, description, tags = "", extended = "", dt = "", replace="no"):
def get(user, passwd, tag="", dt="", count = 0):
def get_all(user, passwd, tag = ""):
def delete(user, passwd, url):
def rename_tag(user, passwd, oldtag, newtag):
def get_tags(user, passwd):

This are short functions for getrss calls.

def get_userposts(user):
def get_tagposts(tag):
def get_urlposts(url):
def get_popular(tag = ""):


>>> a = apiNew(user, passwd)
>>> a.posts_add(url="", desciption="", extended="the url is my.moc", tags="my com")
>>> len(a.posts_all())
>>> get_all(user, passwd)

What's New in This Release:
This release is mainly a rewrite.
It now uses external libraries.

pydelicious 0.3.0 search tags