Quantity Modeling Language 0.1 review

by rbytes.net on

QML (Quantity Modeling Language) is a "thing"-based language for scientific and mathematical data modeling. Each "thing" is a quanti

License: Public Domain
File size: 166K
Developer: Brian Thomas
0 stars award from rbytes.net

QML (Quantity Modeling Language) is a "thing"-based language for scientific and mathematical data modeling.

Each "thing" is a quantity which may be associated with either a structure or physical phenomena.

Quantities, in turn, may hold other Quantities or values (numbers or strings). Higher-level data models, which associate or define meanings to various quantities (such as velocity or position), can be built from QML quantities.

The higher-level data model (XML) schema that inherits from QML may be understood, and its instance documents may be parsed into QML documents and objects by the QMLReader.

What's New in This Release:
This release adds partial Xerces2 DOM support, and works with Java 1.4 and Java 1.5 (no JAXP DocumentBuilder/Factory support currently).
The test procedure is a little less chatty.
Support has been added for testing either/both Crimson/Xerces DOM support.
(Note: Crimson support only works with Java 1.4, as Java 1.5 interfaces have DOM lvl 2 and 3, which crimson doesn't support).
This release adds compilerargs, and better build support for different configurations to build.xml.

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