wmpuzzle 0.5.0 review

by rbytes.net on

wmpuzzle provides a 4x4 puzzle on a 64x64 mini window

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 79K
Developer: Martin A. Godisch
0 stars award from rbytes.net

wmpuzzle provides a 4x4 puzzle on a 64x64 mini window. You can puzzle any XPM image you wish, and there are many graphics applications available to convert other images into the XPM format.

wmpuzzle will let you save the current state of the image at any time. When the puzzle has been completed the full image will be shown. The program is designed to work with the WindowMaker dock, but will work with other window managers as well.


On Debian systems, install the Debian package: type 'dpkg -i wmpuzzle_*.deb' as root. If you need to compile it first, e.g. you want to install the unstable version on a woody system, type 'dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -tc -uc -us'.

On Non-Debian systems compile the program typing './configure', 'make' and then 'make install' as root.


Please read the manual page, type `man wmpuzzle'.

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