3dfx TV Out Tool 0.0.3 review
DownloadThe 3dfx TV Out Tool tries to be the well-known 'TV Tool' for the 3dfx VooDoo3 cards
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The 3dfx TV Out Tool tries to be the well-known 'TV Tool' for the 3dfx VooDoo3 cards. It might work on other cards based on the bt869 chip, since it uses the bt869 lm_sensors module.
Simply typing 'make' or 'make all' should get you started and create an executable '3dfx_tvtool' which you simply run AFTER you loaded the appropiate modules (if you built it into the kernel (which isn't a bad idea if you use your tv-out a whole lot) then you don't have to load the modules again). ALSO!! Patch your lm_sensors. In the 'extra' dir I included 2 patches for lm_sensors package, you'll need those patched or you won't get luma (brightness) and chroma (color) control at all. (The buttons will simply dissapear) If you have a rescent CVS version it MIGHT be in there allready. Just load the modules and see if there exists a luma and a chroma entry in /proc.
Colorbars On/Off: Enables/Disables the colorbars. TV Out: Enabled/disabled Enables/disables the TV-out function. TSC/PAL: put the system on NSTC/PAL mode.
Re-apply: 'update' the kernel with your settings in case you did it too fast. Save: Saves your current kernel settings (all of them) to the default save file. Load: Loades your default file and applies it's settings to the kernel. Quit: Quits the application.
Bugreports should go to oliver@are-b.org aswell as any other feedback. Oh one more thing, if you like this program, contributions can be sent to me aswell.
Thanks go out to all members of the Collective, but mostly mrfloppy, for beeing a good friend, phirox for helping me with my basic programming skill and last but not least mastex and thehatter wassup dudes.
Good question, it 'should' compile on any linux without problems, as long as you
have GTK 2.0.2. It might work with an older version of GTK 2, but I developed
using GTK 2.0.2 hence the minimum requirement. Also you need to have a Videocard
using the BT869 chip that creates a '/proc/sys/dev/sensors/bt869' entry or
similar (see the 3dfx_tvtool.h for exact location/configuration) As far as I know
this pretty much only works/exists on the VooDoo3. The kernel module for this is
included in the lm_sensors package. Last, a TV to get all this working on would
be interresting.
What's New in This Release:
Rewritten Load/save algorythms. save file 'should' be very acceptable on what you throw at it.
Fixed a nasty bug. Well not a bug, but it caused a lot of ccnfusion with me. It's when I add the signal before some checks, it also emits the signal which was just weird, and
annoying. Can't really call it a bugfix though, cos it was mainly detectable by this unreleased version.
Four new buttons added. Luma en Chroma (anti) pseudo gama Removal. Don't ask me what exactly it does, just look. A WARNING!! comes with that. I included patches for the latest lm_sensors files, since luma and chroma aren't in the 2.6.3 release. (If you have the CVS it MIGHT be in there since it is on it's way there).
Changed layout 'some' what. (too many buttons to put on one bar) And damn that's not as easy as I thought. (Feedback!!)
Changed pal/ntsc from a toggle to radio buttons. WARNING! when using the 720 resolutions, pal/ntsc change get's 'locked' by the bt869 driver will implement this when we have resolution support.
Load, Save and Quit have moved to a 'file' menu kind of thing.
Help, about added. Nothing special, but took PLENTY of time to implement something oh so simple. Help should be written soon.
Multi language support! (looking for translators!)
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