Active Calendar 1.2.0 review
DownloadActive Calendar is PHP Class, that generates calendars (month or year view) as a HTML Table (XHTML-Valid)
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Active Calendar is PHP Class, that generates calendars (month or year view) as a HTML Table (XHTML-Valid). Active Calendar's source code is free.
You can modify or pass it on under the conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License, published by the Free Software Foundation.
The calendars created by this class:
can be static (without any links)
can optionally have navigation controls
can optionally have a date picker control
can optionally have linkable days (url or javascript)
can optionally have 'event days' with 'event links' and own layout
can optionally have 'event content' with 'links' and own layout
support different GMT zones for the current date calculation
support month and day names, depending on your language
can be configured using CSS
do not require Javascript to be displayed or navigated (server side generation)
can be generated with just 2-3 lines of code
Active Calendar is based on the PHP native date functions (default) and supports optionally the ADOdb Date Library. Supported dates (on systems using a 32-bit signed integer Unix time_t):
Using PHP native date functions: 1902 - 2037 (UNIX) and 1971 - 2037 (Windows)
Using ADOdb Date Library: 100 - 3000 and later [ limited by the computation time of adodb_mktime() ] on both UNIX and Windows. To use the ADOdb Date Library just include it in your scripts. The Active Calendar class will use the library functions automatically.
What's New in This Release:
An activeCalendarWeek subclass was added.
The class can generate week calendars (one or multiple rows) according to the date or the week number of the year passed to the class using two public methods, showWeeks() and showWeeksByID().
The structure of the download package was updated and an example was added for demonstrating how the Active Calendar can be used as a popup date selector in a form.
Active Calendar 1.2.0 keywords