AI::Categorizer::Learner::Weka 0.07 review

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AI::Categorizer::Learner::Weka is a Perl module to pass-through wrapper to Weka system. SYNOPSIS use AI::Categorizer::Learner

License: Perl Artistic License
File size: 249K
Developer: Ken Williams
0 stars award from

AI::Categorizer::Learner::Weka is a Perl module to pass-through wrapper to Weka system.


use AI::Categorizer::Learner::Weka;

# Here $k is an AI::Categorizer::KnowledgeSet object

my $nb = new AI::Categorizer::Learner::Weka(...parameters...);
$nb->train(knowledge_set => $k);

... time passes ...

$nb = AI::Categorizer::Learner->restore_state('filename');
my $c = new AI::Categorizer::Collection::Files( path => ... );
while (my $document = $c->next) {
my $hypothesis = $nb->categorize($document);
print "Best assigned category: ", $hypothesis->best_category, "n";

This class doesn't implement any machine learners of its own, it merely passes the data through to the Weka machine learning system ( This can give you access to a collection of machine learning algorithms not otherwise implemented in AI::Categorizer.

Currently this is a simple command-line wrapper that calls java subprocesses. In the future this may be converted to an Inline::Java wrapper for better performance (faster running times). However, if you're looking for really great performance, you're probably looking in the wrong place - this Weka wrapper is intended more as a way to try lots of different machine learning methods.


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