ajaxMyTop 0.7.2 review

by rbytes.net on

ajaxMyTop project is a Web-based tool featuring an AJAX user interface for monitoring a MySQL server. Requirements: · PHP5 INS

License: LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Luke Crouch
0 stars award from rbytes.net

ajaxMyTop project is a Web-based tool featuring an AJAX user interface for monitoring a MySQL server.


Unzip+untar into a directory on your web server.

You can configure ajaxMyTop by editing the config.php file.

The db settings are straightforward, simply give the host (i.e., 'localhost'), user (i.e., 'ajaxmytop'), and password (i.e., 'ajaxmytop') for your MySQL server.

The filters array is simply a variable used internally to make filtering code simpler(?). You do not need to modify it.

It is highly recommended that you create a new user for ajaxMyTop with the SUPER and PROCESS privileges rather than configure ajaxMyTop with an admin user.

GRANT SUPER, PROCESS ON *.* to 'ajaxmytop'@'localhost' identified by 'ajaxmytop';
GRANT SUPER, PROCESS ON *.* to 'ajaxmytop'@'%' identified by 'ajaxmytop';

Apparently you must also grant the SELECT privilege to the ajaxmytop user for all databases in which you may want to explain threads.

GRANT USAGE, SELECT ON test.* to 'ajaxmytop'@'localhost' identified by 'ajaxmytop';
GRANT USAGE, SELECT ON test.* to 'ajaxmytop'@'%' identified by 'ajaxmytop';

Cannot click on explanation panels in IE.
Workaround: Use Firefox, duh!

/ or ? : toggle shortcut key display
space bar : clear filter values
s : change refresh interval
c : Command filter
d : db filter
h : Host filter
i : toggle idle threads
k : kill thread
u : User filter

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