Apache::TestTieBucketBrigade 0.03 review
DownloadApache::TestTieBucketBrigade is a Perl module to test Apache::TieBucketBrigade, takes a bunch of stuff and then writes it back upcase
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Apache::TestTieBucketBrigade is a Perl module to test Apache::TieBucketBrigade, takes a bunch of stuff and then writes it back upcased.
It tests stuff. I suppose you could use it as an example of building things with Apache::TieBucketBrigade. This would be cooler if I actually new how to test mod_perl protocol handlers. For now, put something like the following in httpd.conf
Listen localhost:8013
< VirtualHost localhost:8013 >
PerlModule Apache::TestTieBucketBrigade
PerlProcessConnectionHandler Apache::TestTieBucketBrigade
< /VirtualHost >
restart apache and hope for the best. Telnet to locahost:8013 type some stuff in and see if it comes back upcased.
Apache::TestTieBucketBrigade 0.03 keywords