AxKit::App::Gallery::stylesheets 0.5 review

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AxKit::App::Gallery works by generating XML, and then passing the generated XML through a collection of stylesheets

License: Perl Artistic License
File size: 26K
Developer: Nik Clayton
0 stars award from

AxKit::App::Gallery works by generating XML, and then passing the generated XML through a collection of stylesheets. The output of one stylesheet is passed on as input to the next. In this way, a pipeline of stylesheets if formed.

Some of the stylesheets are written in XSLT, some are written in XPathScript. This manual page provides a brief description of the stylesheets that are shipped with AxKit::App::Gallery, in the order in which they are supposed to run. For further details, see the comments in the stylesheets.


AxKit::App::Gallery::stylesheets 0.5 keywords