Black Orion Enterprise Linux Desktop 4.3 review

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Black Orion Network is an update and system management platform for among others Black Orion's 'redhat-compatible' Enterprise Linux D

License: Freely Distributable
File size: 0K
Developer: Emiel J.Ph. Obdam
0 stars award from

Black Orion Network is an update and system management platform for among others Black Orion's 'redhat-compatible' Enterprise Linux Distributions. Black Orion Enterprise Linux software distributions are offered to you by the open source community as free software.

A program is free software if users are free to redistribute copies, either with or without modifications, either gratis or charging a fee for distribution, to anyone anywhere. Being free to do these things means (among other things) that you do not have to ask or pay for permission. Please feel free to make and redistribute as many copies of Black Orion Enterprise Linux as you like.

How It Works:

1. Obtain Black Orion Enterprise Linux

Obtain one of Black Orion's 'redhat-compatible' Enterprise Linux Distributions from the downloads section.

2. Burn cd images

Burn the downloaded iso images on to a cd.

3. Register yourself as a Black Orion Network Member

Register yourself as a member in the Black Orion Network section.

4. Install Black Orion on a computer

Read the manuals for the various installation options. The system can also be installed as a rhel4 virtual machine.

5. Connect your system to the Black Orion Network

Connect your system to the Black Orion Network with the up2date client installed on your system. You can find up2date by right-clicking the Black Orion Network Alert Icon on your desktop. Connect your system with your member name and password (see 3).

Black Orion Enterprise Linux Desktop 4.3 keywords