BuildProcess 0.4 review
DownloadBuildProcess is a complete J2EE deployment toolbox
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BuildProcess is a complete J2EE deployment toolbox. It provides different tools to help the J2EE administrator in his daily job.
The main project is AutoDeploy, which automaticaly deploys J2EE applications on different targeted application servers. It's a complement of continuous integration tools such as CruiseControl or AntHill.
BuildEraser can delete files on different filesystems, local or remote (FTP, WebDAV, CIFS, and SMB).
Here are some key features of "BuildProcess":
AutoDeploy is the main J2EE deployment tool. The J2EE administrator describes the list of network environments (application server, applications, database, etc) in a main XML file. This XML file can be modified by hand or using WebAutoDeploy, the web admin console. Periodically, AutoDeploy read this description file and update the environment. More informations.
BuildEraser is an automatic file deletion tool. The disk space saturation is a classical problem for J2EE administrators. In fact, application server and J2EE applications generate a lot of files (log file, temporary files, etc). On the other hand, automatic build tools such as CruiseControl or AntHill, generate log files too. BuidEraser provides a multi-OS, automatic and networked way to delete files. WebBuildEraser is the web admin console of BuildEraser. More informations.
ASEManager is a web application which store description of all J2EE environments that the administrator need to manage. It store a lot of data such as the application server description (type, host, network port in use, etc), database description, application description (URI, version, etc), etc. ASEManager can import data from the AutoDeploy XML file but has a discover system included : the administrator defines a network mask and ASEManager sniff all IP address/network ports in the netmask to discover application server. ASEManager includes a small environment monitoring tool to know if the environment is available or not and what is the status. More informations.
BugzillaPublisher is a publisher for CruiseControl automatic build tool. It takes modifications set comments and add the build number in the bug description. More informations.
MVeloce is a technical framework used in all web based application of BuildProcess suite. MVeloce is a MVC2 framework which use Apache Jakarta Velocity for the view part.
What's New in This Release:
Now AutoDeploy includes AutoDeployAgents which take care of an environments set.
AutoDeploy includes an embedded WebService server to interact with other parts (such as WebAutoDeploy).
This release includes a lot of new features.
BuildProcess 0.4 keywords