cdtool 2.1.8pre2 review
Downloadcdtool is a free software package to control the audio functions of an attached CDROM drive from the command line in a quick and scri
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cdtool is a free software package to control the audio functions of an attached CDROM drive from the command line in a quick and scriptable way. cdtool consists of several programs. Actually, most of them are really one program that can be called with multiple different names.
cdtool includes these commands:
cdplay -- play the CDROM or resume from pause
cdpause -- pause play
cdstop -- stop play
cdclose -- close the CDROM tray, if supported.
cdeject -- eject the CDROM, if supported
cdown -- query CDDB database for CD info
cdadd -- add to local CD database
cdir -- list tracks on the CDROM.
cdinfo -- display information on the CDROM.
cdreset -- reset the CDROM device (2.1 experimental).
cdshuffle -- play the tracks of the CDROM in random order.
cdloop -- endless-loop the CD
cdctrl -- interactive control of CDROM
cdvolume -- set CDROM volume
What's New in This Release:
Correct man page .IP typos
Don't try detection if the user choice fails
cdctrl: Use device from first argument
Included GPL notices in the source files
Relicensed cdown.c under the GPL with Byron's permission.
cdtool 2.1.8pre2 keywords