cgichk 2.60 review
Downloadcgichk is a Web vulnerability tool that automatically searches for a series of interesting directories and files on a given site
cgichk is a Web vulnerability tool that automatically searches for a series of interesting directories and files on a given site. It also includes a whois lookup.
I originally came upon a CGI vulnerability scanning late last year and for fun, decided to rewrite it (I'm a sucker for organizing code I didn't write to my own style.) I added more and more to it, and decided to add in some 'curiousity' things to search for, besides the already built in files.
This was NEVER intended to be a tool for being an asshole with. I'm just a nosy, curious bastard and have created a tool to automate the search because I'm infinitely lazy.
This program does nothing that a person with two hands and a brain couldn't do.
What's New in This Release:
Added an option (-H) to retrieve the HTTP header and then quit.
Began to wonder if this app would be better off using Perl, and then decided against it.
Added some new targets (well, php versions of old specific targets).
Added option (-I) to NOT look inside 200's for 404 type strings.
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