Class::DBI::DataMigration::Mapping 0.02 review

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Class::DBI::DataMigration::Mapping is an abstract parent class for objects that map a single column in a single row from the source d

License: Perl Artistic License
File size: 12K
Developer: Dan Friedman
0 stars award from

Class::DBI::DataMigration::Mapping is an abstract parent class for objects that map a single column in a single row from the source database to the target database.


use Class::DBI::DataMigration::Mapping;

# ... Later, when building $mappings hashref for use by a
# Class::DBI::DataMigration::Mapper (which see for synopsis --
# in this example, assume an appropriate @source_keys):

foreach my $source_key (@source_keys) {
$mappings{$source_key} = new Class::DBI::DataMigration::Mapping;

# ... Now we can assign $mappings to our Mapper ...

Class::DBI::DataMigration::Mapping objects are used by Class::DBI::DataMigration::Mapper objects to retrieve the values for particular keys into source database objects; these will in turn be stored under particular keys into newly-created target database objects.


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