Claw review
DownloadClaw framework provides a convenient and intuitive way of developing PHP5-driven object oriented Web applications. Claw project al
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Claw framework provides a convenient and intuitive way of developing PHP5-driven object oriented Web applications.
Claw project allows developing tree-structured Web applications with ease.
Here are some key features of "Claw":
Clean Code / Database / Display logic seperation with Hierarchial MVC
Page / method / variable chains (i.e.: /articles/read/10/comment/35)
Search engine friendly & clean URLs without creating dozens of rewrite rules
View / Variable inheritance during application flow
Rapid and intuitive development process
User permission handling
Outside variable handling ($_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST, $_COOKIE, etc.)
Form handling and processing
Session handling
Configuration file handling
DRY and KISS principles
Support for web trends (i.e. AJAX)
Database independance & object persistance
Human-readable manual and example applications
Loose-coupled components with possibility of choice and extensions
Portability, easy setup and configuration (changing app location will not require changing any configs, except for .htaccess RewriteBase, which is optional)
Claw keywords