Cluster SSH 3.19.1 review
DownloadCluster SSH opens terminal windows with connections to specified hosts and an administration console
Cluster SSH opens terminal windows with connections to specified hosts and an administration console. Any text typed into the administration console is replicated to all other connected and active windows.
This tool is intended for, but not limited to, cluster administration where the same configuration or commands must be run on each node within the cluster. Performing these commands all at once via this tool ensures all nodes are kept in sync.
What's New in This Release:
Check for failure to connect to X session
Totally rework character mapping and events to cope with non-QWERTY keyboards
Rework pasting code to cope with non-QWERTY charatcters
Manpage/help doc updates and corrections
Check for missing definitions for cluster tags in .csshrc
Run through perltidy -b -i=2
Apply patch to add in optional port information from D. Dumont
Amend hotkey code to not pick up - as default clientname shortcut
Alter repeat function to improve efficiency
Rework retiling code
Add "-e " to evaluate terminal and communcation methods
Add in toggle option on hosts menu
Fix check in find_binary to ensure one is actually found
Search $PATH and other standard places for binaries incase $PATH is incompleteAmend code to allow getting help when no X display available
Allow override of both key and mouse paste key sequences
Added icons and desktop file
Amended clusterssh.spec to cope with icons and desktop file
Improve cluster file import efficiency as was taking faaar too long previouslyFixed bug whereby when pid's of the xterm changes records were not updated
Do not die when pipe open fails, but continue as others may be connected
Remove code that breaks the minimize/maximise stuff;
Catch X button presses on title bar to close all windows correctly
Delay map event capture at program start to avoid infinite loop
Fix execvp error on Solaris 10
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