Crate Game Engine Milestone 4.1 review

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License: LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Jason Turner
0 stars award from

Crate Game Engine is a game engine that is designed to make the process of creating games trivial.

The rendering engine and scripting engine are removed from the game engine to make the specialization of games as easy as possible.

An XML game loader will be implemented to make creating games require no recompiling.

Extremely easy to use game engine with modular Scripting and Rendering engines.


Milestone 1: Basic framework compilable (completed Oct 9, 2005)
Milestone 2: C++ proof of concept demo using framework & text based RenderingEngine
Milestone 3: XML based game loader with Milestone 2 game ported to it
Milestone 4: Scripting support with Milestone 3 game ported to it
Milestone 5: 2D Rendering Engine with Milestone 4 game ported to it

What's New in This Release:
This release includes minor API and documentation updates, as well as a logging system.

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