DBIx::Recordset::Playground 1.12 review

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DBIx::Recordset::Playground is a Perl module with working sample usages of DBIx::Recordset. This document serves several purposes

License: Perl Artistic License
File size: 17K
Developer: T. M. Brannon
0 stars award from rbytes.net

DBIx::Recordset::Playground is a Perl module with working sample usages of DBIx::Recordset.

This document serves several purposes. One, it makes it easy to get started with DBIx::Recordset. Two, it serves as a place for those experienced with recordset to examine the code to discover how to make usage of recordset even simpler. Finally, it serves as a place for me to clarify all the areas in the original docs that were a bit confusing to me.

After creating a database using DBSchema::Sample, you will be able to manipulate it using from DBIx::Recordset using the examples here. Let the games begin!


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