Exorcist 1.0 beta1 review

by rbytes.net on

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Jukka Zitting
0 stars award from rbytes.net

The Exorcist is a system and framework for migrating content between various content repositories.

commons-beanutils jar 1.7.0
commons-codec jar 1.3
commons-io jar 1.0
commons-logging jar 1.0
servent-core jar 0.1.4
servent-impl jar 0.1.4
jcr jar 1.0
mysql-connector-java jar 3.0.10
poi jar 2.5.1
spring jar 1.2.3
xercesImpl jar 2.6.2
xmlParserAPIs jar 2.0.2

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