Fast OnlineUpdate for SuSE 0.15.0 Beta1 review
DownloadFast OnlineUpdate for SuSE is a replacement for SuSE's Yast OnlineUpdate (YOU)
Fast OnlineUpdate for SuSE is a replacement for SuSE's Yast OnlineUpdate (YOU). It uses the same update description files and is therefore a complete, lightweight alternative.
Here are some key features of "Fast OnlineUpdate for SuSE":
Fast and reliable update
Supports SuSE Linux 8.1 to 10.0 and most SuSE business products
Especially designed for usage in cron jobs
Interactive mode for full control
Network-wide updates from the same update directory possible (Even with different SuSE versions!)
Bandwidth-limit in kbyte/sec for downloads *new*
Support for non-YOU RPM's, e.g. packman or supplementary (KDE, Gnome, Mozilla) updates *new*
FTP server benchmarking tool included
Proxy support
Automatic resuming of downloads
Management of offline machines - fou4s can import/export machine data and packages *new*
Remote host checking, even if fou4s is not installed there *new*
Filtering (install only security updates, or skip optional packages)
Interactive ftp server selection
SuSEconfig is called, after an update is finished (can be turned off)
Warns the user, if processes are accessing deleted files (which means, that the update is not complete)
Installation of additional RPMs from the update directory
Support for the new patch.rpm updates on SuSE 8.0 and higher
What's New in This Release:
This release is the first version with SuSE 10.1 support.
It is a very early beta.
Don't use it with older SuSE versions; it will probably be unable to update itself.
Fast OnlineUpdate for SuSE 0.15.0 Beta1 keywords