fuseftp 0.8 review

by rbytes.net on

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 11K
Developer: Marcus
0 stars award from rbytes.net

fuseftp is a userspace FTP filesystem for FUSE.


perl Makefile.PL
sudo make install

If any of the preregs fail, you can install the missing modules using the cpan shell which is started with "cpan" or "cpan -MCPAN -e shell".


marcus@hal2000:~: mkdir kernel
marcus@hal2000:~: fuseftp kernel/ ftp.kernel.org &
Successfully logged into ftp.kernel.org
[1] 7150
marcus@hal2000:~: cd kernel/
marcus@hal2000:~/kernel: ls
for_mirrors_only lost+found pub usr welcome.msg
marcus@hal2000:~/kernel: cd ..
marcus@hal2000:~: fusermount -u kernel/
[1]+ Done fuseftp kernel/ ftp.kernel.org

What's New in This Release:
A --port option was added to specify a non-standard FTP port.
The handling of file names containing special characters was fixed.
The cache timeout option was also fixed.

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