GDSL 1.3 review
DownloadGDSL) is a collection of routines for generic data structures manipulation
GDSL) is a collection of routines for generic data structures manipulation. It is a portable and re-entrant library fully written from scratch in pure ANSI C.
It is designed to offer for C programmers common data structures with powerful algorithms, and hidden implementation. Available structures are lists, queues, stacks, hash tables, binary trees, binary search trees, red-black trees, 2D arrays, and permutations.
What's New in This Release:
FIX: search functions in hash module.
FIX: backward parse function in list module.
FIX: removed usefull comparison in list module's search function.
FIX: XML output formats of tree modules.
FIX: incorrect proto in list module.
FIX: incorrect proto in hash module.
FIX: insert function in bstree module.
FIX: set_name function in rbtree module.
ADD: general hash function.
ADD: general sort function.
ADD: function to get the cardinality of a low-level list.
ADD: function for sorting lists.
ADD: enable/disable asserts directives in configure script.
ADD: functions into the perm module.
ADD: functions to insert not found searched elements in trees modules.
ADD: function to search next element in a bstree.
ADD: gdsl.spec file to generate RPM package.
ADD: new functions into some modules.
CHG: removed usefull internal memory module.
CHG: some recursive functions has been rewritten in iteratives forms to improve speed.
CHG: canonical functions in permutation module are now in D. Knuth's canonical form.
CHG: a lot of protos and functions names has been modified in almost all modules to improve acuracy and homogeneousness of symbol names, so THIS VERSION IS *NOT* COMPATIBLE WHITH PREVIOUS ONE.
CHG: the heap module was removed and may be reintroduced in a future version with a lot of functions. The sort function has been moved to the new gdsl_sort module.
CHG: the _list_node module has been renamed _node and so, all its symbol names have been changed.
CHG: man and html doxygen-generated documentation
GDSL 1.3 keywords