graph-tool 0.9 review

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graph-tool project is a program to help with statistical analysis of graphs. Here are some key features of "graph tool": · suppor

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 279K
Developer: Tiago de Paula Peixoto
0 stars award from

graph-tool project is a program to help with statistical analysis of graphs.

Here are some key features of "graph tool":
support for directed and undirected graphs
support for arbitrary vertex or edge properties
generic filtering of edges and vertices
several statistical measurements:
degree (or scalar property) histogram
vertex-vertex degree (or scalar property) correlation
average nearest neighbours degree (or scalar property)
vertex-edge-vertex correlation
clustering coefficients
assortativity coefficient
average distance
component statistics
generation of random graphs with arbitrary degree distribution and degree correlation
graph history measurement based on filtering
support for graphml and dot file formats

The core algorithms are written in C++, making use of the Boost Graph Library, and template metaprogramming techniques, with performace in mind. The command line interface and other outlying code are written in python.

GCC 4.1 or above
The boost libraries.
Python 2.4 or above
The expat library

graph-tool 0.9 keywords