GView 0.9.1a review

by rbytes.net on

GView is a simple functional image viewing utility designed to teach newcomers the uses of the GTK / GDK libraries. GView serves m

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Jason Barto
0 stars award from rbytes.net

GView is a simple functional image viewing utility designed to teach newcomers the uses of the GTK / GDK libraries.

GView serves many purposes. The first is as a replacement for the Eye of Gnome application. I don't know why, but EOG as installed on my box stopped working; so I wrote my own. Second is to teach others by example how to use the GTK / GDK libraries. And third is to give me something to do in my spare time.

Each Minor release of the application will include a new lesson, with the initial lesson showing how to create the application window and do something useful with it. As for what will come in consecutive lessons, only time will tell.

Here are some key features of "GView":
Command-line viewing of image files (.bmp, .jpeg, .gif, .png, etc)
Ability to zoom in on image areas
Ability to resize the image (larger or smaller) during runtime
Images automatically resize to best fit your screen's resolution

GView uses only the GTK and GDK libraries. (The 2.x versions)


GView is invoked from the command-line (or from a file browser like Rox, Mozilla or Nautilus.

Example: gview family_picture.jpg

Once the image is displayed there are a couple of commands that the app recieves all via the mouse or the keyboard (there's no menu in the app).

Left mouse - click and hold to drag the application window.
Scroll wheel - roll forward to enlarge the image, roll backward to shrink the image.
Middle mouse - click to zoom in on an area of the image.
Right mouse - click to restore the image to its original size.

i - display the images information such as original width and height and current width and height.
r - restore the image to its original size

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