hk_classes 0.8.2 review

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hk_classes is C++ library which allows rapid development of database applications with all features a modern database application sho

License: LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Horst Knorr
0 stars award from

hk_classes is C++ library which allows rapid development of database applications with all features a modern database application should have like forms an reports.

hk_classes project is database and GUI independent. In combination with hk_kdeclasses (which is part of the knoda package) it supports the rapid development of database applications for KDE.

hk_classes is under heavy development, but it already works pretty well.

hk_classes allows you to:

connect to a database server (Mysql , Postgresql , SQLite or ODBC);
create and delete databases;
create, alter and delete tables and indices;
add, change and delete data in tables;
define, execute and store sql queries;
import and export CSV data;
define and use forms; and
define and print reports
write your own scripts in Python
use reports and queries in your own scripts with the command line tools
o hk_actionquery
o hk_exportcsv
o hk_exportxml
o hk_importcsv
o hk_report

hk_kdeclasses offers you data widgets for KDE:

high-level widgets

display and alter data in a grid and the possibility to alter the table structure
allows you to define and execute a query
allows you to design and view forms
allows you to design and preview reports

low-level widgets

a data sensitive standard field
a data sensitive multiline field
a data sensitive bool field
a data sensitive combobox field
a data sensitive grid
a row selector to browse a table

What's New in This Release:
module handling added, form filter handling added,uses libxml2 for decoding XML files, new driver "dbase" and many bugs are fixed

hk_classes 0.8.2 keywords