Howl 1.0.0 review

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Howl is a cross-platform implementation of Zeroconf networking

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 530K
Developer: Porchdog Software, Inc.
0 stars award from

Howl is a cross-platform implementation of Zeroconf networking. Zeroconf brings a new ease of use to IP networking.

Branded as Bonjouy by Apple Computer, Inc., Zeroconf standardizes networking protocols for delivering hassle-free ad-hoc networking, service discovery and IP configuration.

This ease of use, enjoyed by users of Mac OS X, is now available as an SDK for Windows 2000/XP and many flavors of Unix.

Howl allows software developers to easily embed Zeroconf functionality in their applications, making cumbersome and error-prone network configuration tasks seem so five minutes ago. Give your users what they want. Give them simple, elegant networking. Give them Howl.

Howl is open-source and royalty-free. We ask only that any fixes or improvements you make are fed back to us so we can ensure that we provide the most stable, best-quality cross-platform software for Zeroconf/Bonjour networking.

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