jMimetypeLib 0.1 review

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jMimetypeLib is a java library used to find the mime-type of files and streams using extensions or magic numbers

License: LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Pablo Alcaraz
0 stars award from

jMimetypeLib is a java library used to find the mime-type of files and streams using extensions or magic numbers. Additionally jMimetypeLib may return an icon to represent the mime-type file and a locale description.

jMimetypeLib will follow the Shared MIME-info Database especification 0.13 version and the Icon Theme Specification 0.11 version.

The current version only recognize mime-type files using file extensions and regex expressions (as says the specification). The next version will complete the rest of these documents.

Quick start

download latest version of jMimetypeLib
include jmimetypelib-*.jar in your project classpath
put this code in your program:

MimetypeLib mimetypeLib = new;
String mimetype = mimetypeLib.getMimeType( new File( "miFile.ext")));

Java Environment

jMimetypeLib 0.1 keywords