jUPS 0.1 review
DownloadjUPS project is a Java class that implements MetaSystem's Uninterruptible Power Supplies management protocol v1.12d. It was s
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jUPS project is a Java class that implements MetaSystem's Uninterruptible Power Supplies management protocol v1.12d.
It was successfully tested against:
Metasystem Megaline rack 2500
MetaSystem UPSes must be connected via a 3-wires serial cable to a PC where a serial-to-TCP tool must be installed
jUPS was written using Corey Minyard's ser2net acting as a bridge between the serial port and a TCP socket.
The UPS-PC serial cable pinout is:
9 pin 9 pin 25 pin
male female female
2 --------------------------- 2 ----------- 3
3 --------------------------- 3 ----------- 2
5 --------------------------- 5 ----------- 7
ser2net needs to be configured to bridge the serial port with 2400,8N1 parameters to a TCP socket.
A working ser2net.conf file is:
9999:raw:600:/dev/ttyS0:2400 NONE 1STOPBIT 8DATABITS -XONXOFF -RTSCTS -LOCAL
This setup forwards serial port /dev/ttyS0 (COM1) as 2400,8N1 to local TCP port 9999
For a quickstart download the tarball and have a look at jUPStest.java.
jUPS 0.1 keywords