Juxy 0.8 review
DownloadJuxy is a Java library for unit testing XSLT stylesheets from Java
Juxy is a Java library for unit testing XSLT stylesheets from Java. Juxy is best suited for the projects where both Java and XSLT are used simultaneously.
Here are some key features of "Juxy":
Ability to invoke individual xsl templates and pass them any parameters (you can either call or apply templates with and without modes).
Ability to setup stylesheet parameters and global variables.
Ability to setup current node before transformation.
Integration with JUnit (Juxy provides its own TestCase class simplifying testing with JUnit, however, JUnit is not required for writing tests, you can use any testing framework that you like).
Transparent support for document fragments returned as transformation result (result of the called template can have more than one root node, Juxy will process such cases transparently for you).
Easy result verification with sophisticated XML assertion mechanism.
XPath support for deeper validation of transformation result (you can use either Jaxen or JAXP XPath engine, Juxy will detect available engine automatically)
Ability to trace execution of the sylesheets instructions.
Support for custom URIResolver.
Ant task for batch verification of XSLT stylesheets.
Juxy requires Java 1.4 and will not work with earlier versions. A number of required libraries depends on a version of Java you are using.
For Java 1.4 the following libraries are required:
Xerces 2
JAXP compliant XSLT engine
For Java 1.5 you should have:
JAXP compliant XSLT engine
A couple of words about XML parser, XPath and XSLT engine.
Juxy was tested with Xerces 2 XML parser which is included now into the Java 1.5.
Juxy does not depend on any Xerces specific functionality, so it should work with other JAXP compliant XML parsers, which support SAX 2 Core, DOM Level 2 Core and Traversal and Range.
For XPath expressions Juxy supports both Jaxen and JAXP XPath (which appeared in Java 1.5). Juxy will automatically detect presence of the supported engine, so if you are going to run tests under the Java 1.5 Jaxen is no longer required.
As for XSLT engine, Juxy should work with any JAXP compliant XSLT processor, supporting XSLT 1.0 and JAXP DOMResult. Both Xalan and Saxon (6.5.X and 8.X versions) were tested and work fine with Juxy.
The following libraries are required for Ant verifier task:
JAXP compliant XSLT engine
XML commons resolver (optional)
XML commons resolver.jar is required if you are going to use XML catalogs URI resolution. juxy.jar is not required for Ant task.
What's New in This Release:
New features include the ability to validate XML against the W3C XML Schema.
XPath validation was made easier with the help of the XPathAssert class.
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