JXHTMLEDIT 4.0.005 review
DownloadJXHTMLEDIT is a browser-based HTML/XHTML content authoring
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JXHTMLEDIT is a browser-based HTML/XHTML content authoring. JXHTMLEDIT tool is based on the Java 2 Platform that allows WYSIWYG editing on multiple platforms (require the Sun JavaTM Plug-in 1.4 or higher installed on client).
JXHTMLEdit is a cross-platform WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) HTML/XHTML content authoring tool, a very small Java Applet based on the Java 2 Platform. JXHTMLEdit provides word processor-like user interface that allows users to edit the XHTML document directly in the final form (as will be rendered). This empower non-technical users to become content contributors without any knowledge of HTML or XHTML.
Specifically designed and optimized to edit only the < body > portion of HTML/XHTML page, JXHTMLEdit outputs to your choice HTML or well-formed XHTML.
JXHTMLEDIT preloads the HTML/XHTML content during startup from a specified html form field (e.g.: < textarea >) where it also saves the generated code.
JXHTMLEdit has been designed to offer great flexibility and could be used to easily integrate WYSIWYG authoring functionality into existing websites, CMS, WMS or any other Web-based software. The Applet JAR archive is less than 150 KB and it's cacheable, so it loads very quickly.
Here are some key features of "JXHTMLEDIT":
platform independent, works on most Operating Systems available today
browser-based and cross-browser Java Applet, works fine with any Javascript-enabled internet browser that support Sun JavaTM Plug-in 1.4 or higher
two different jar versions are available:
signed (jxhtmledit.jar) : to support cut-and-paste to and from system clipboard;
unsigned (jxhtmledit_u.jar) : support only local clipboard;
applet jar is less than 150 KB, loads quickly
WYSIWYG and source code editing (the source editor pane may be disabled)
partial support for stylesheet CSS1
support custom tags
customizable charset encoding, support international character sets and html entities (require appropriate OS/browsers)
output HTML or well-formed XHTML to your choice
support XHTML indentation (to increase readability) or compact mode (to reduce code size)
could be launched as a popup window or used as a textarea
support copy, cut-n-paste, undo, redo, search and select-all
buttons and combo boxes are configured using external XML file (java/config/buttons.xml)
support custom buttons and custom selection boxes to add custom tags or execute predefined actions
strings could be localized using external TMX file (java/config/tmx.xml)
all x/HTML tags and relative attributes are defined using external XML files (java/config/tags.xml, attributes.xml, categories.xml, status.xml)
support help tooltips (popup descriptions that appear when mouse pointer is over the button)
What's New in This Release:
The license was changed to the GPL.
JXHTMLEDIT 4.0.005 keywords