k12admin-client 0.3.6-1 review

by rbytes.net on

k12admin-client project is a web-based server administration tool for K-12 school systems (client package). K12Admin is a Wide Are

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 12K
Developer: Steve Tonnesen
0 stars award from rbytes.net

k12admin-client project is a web-based server administration tool for K-12 school systems (client package).

K12Admin is a Wide Area Network administration program geared specifically to K-12 school systems.

It allows teachers in individual schools to administer the accounts in that school. K12Admin will administer the account information on client Linux servers in each school from a central server.

All administration is done through a web browser interface. The system also includes inappropriate web use scanning and security auditing.

The k12admin-client package is the client part of K12Admin. It is installed on school servers that get updated using information from the k12admin-server computer.

What's New in This Release:
k12.updateclient cron job was sending an error message to root if another instance of k12.updateclient was already running.

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