Kernel Socks Bouncer 0.0.4 review

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ksb26 [Kernel Socks Bouncer] is a Linux Kernel 2.6.x Loadable Kernel Module that that redirects tcp connection (to user-defined targe

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Paolo Ardoino
0 stars award from

ksb26 [Kernel Socks Bouncer] is a Linux Kernel 2.6.x Loadable Kernel Module that that redirects tcp connection (to user-defined target hosts) through socks 4/5 chains.

Kernel Socks Bouncer is subdivided into a lkm [Linux Loadable Kernel Module] and a userspace manager.

ksb26 lkm intercepts and redirects tcp connections. ksb26manager keeps updated socks list and loads target hosts list via character device.

ksb26 lkm:

is the lkm. It intercepts and redirects tcp connections.
modprobe ksb26 [nsocks=N]
[ insmod /lib/modules/2.6.x/extra/ksb26.ko ]
This command will load ksb26 lkm.
[nsocks=N] will load ksb26 lkm setting the number of SOCKS to use in chain to N.
To detect major number read dmesg kernel logs running for example:
~# dmesg
~# cat /var/log/messages
Between messages of ksb26 module there’s this string:
[ksb26] Major device number = num
~# mknod /dev/ksb26 c num 0 // creates the char device


is the userspace manager for ksb26 lkm. It needs wget, egrep and sed to work.
[You don’t need ksb26manager. You can add SOCKS and target hosts manually via /dev/ksb26 character device].
ksb26manager keeps updated the SOCKS list using
ksb26manager [-h] [-d ksb26_device] [-m ksb26_lkm_name] [-n nsocks] [-t thosts_file] [-w wait_time]
[-d ksb26_device]: character device used by ksb26
[-m ksb26_lkm_name]: lkm’s name to use in modprobe command
[-n nsocks]: number of SOCKS used in chains
[-t thosts_file]: file containing target hosts
[-s socks_file]: file containing default socks list
[-w wait_time]: number of seconds to wait before updating the SOCKS list
[-h]: help
/dev/ksb26 strings format:
/dev/ksb26 is the character device used by ksb26 to keep SOCKS and target hosts lists updated. Strings formats accepted:
ip addresses and port of SOCKS 4/5
ip addresses and port of target hosts [when ksb26 finds a new connection from localhost
to that host[:port], this connection will pass through a SOCKS chain before reach the target host]
clear SOCKS list string [ csl ] : ksb26 clears the SOCKS list
To add a new SOCKS server to the list:


manual submission of a new SOCKS:
~# echo ”#S127.0.0.1:1080;5|” > /dev/ksb26
If you use ksb26manager you can set a default socks list in /etc/ksb26/socks that will be loaded automatically by the userspace tool .
If you don’t use ksb26manager you can create a new file as this below:

and then:

~# cat socks.txt > /dev/ksb26
To add a new target host to the list [if you use the userspace manager see /etc/ksb26/thosts]:
If host_ip is *, connection directed to all IPs will be redirected.
If host_port is 0, all connection directed to that host will be redirected through a Socks chain.


#H*:0;| [deprecated]
To clear SOCKS list:

What's New in This Release:
This release adds a small bugfix and support for a default socks list in ksb26manager (useful if you use TOR).

Kernel Socks Bouncer 0.0.4 keywords