KLone 1.1.1 review

by rbytes.net on

KLone is a fully-featured, multiplatform, web application development framework, targeted especially for embedded systems and applian

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 435K
Developer: KOANLOGIC S.R.L.
0 stars award from rbytes.net

KLone is a fully-featured, multiplatform, web application development framework, targeted especially for embedded systems and appliances.

It is a self-contained solution which includes a web server and an SDK for creating WWW sites with both static and dynamic content. When using KLone, there's absolutely no need for any additional component: neither the HTTP/S server (e.g. Apache, Netscape, Roxen), nor the typical active pages engine (PHP, Perl, ASP, Python).

KLone project does everything, and does it fast and small.

KLone blends the HTTP/S server application together with its content and configuration into a single executable file. The site developer writes his/her dynamic pages in C/C++ (in usual scripting style: < % /* code */ % >) and uses KLone to transform them into embeddable, compressed native code with the native C/C++ compiler. The result is then linked to the HTTP/S server skeleton to obtain one single, ROM-able, binary file. This means that he/she can get:

easy, complete and unfiltered interaction with the host operating system
dynamic pages in native compiled code, which in turn implies
fast execution and
small overall application footprint [1]
all of this without giving up the common functionality of web application frameworks such as sessions, parsing of form variables, cookies, etc.

What's New in This Release:
io_is_secure and io_ssl_get_SSL have been added.
The license has been updated to explicitly permit OpenSSL linking.
There is a request_parse_multipart_chunk fix. The "Location:" redirect has been fixed.

KLone 1.1.1 keywords