KSpline 0.31 review

by rbytes.net on

KSpline is a three parts library which supplies spline functions

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 610K
Developer: J?rgen Hochwald
0 stars award from rbytes.net

KSpline is a three parts library which supplies spline functions.

The library contains three parts:

A spline class. This class is invisible, it is used to store the coords and calculates the spline polynoms. Theoretical it can be used outside of KDE.

A visual Editor. This editor requires an initialisized spline class and works as an interface to this spline. Nearly all spline functions can be adjusted with this editor.

A demo program. This program creates two splines. They can be modified either manually (directy calls to the spline functions) or visuell with the editor.

V 0.31 : KDE 3.0x (not tested with KDE 3.1x)
qt 3 or newer

adjustments for KDE 3.x
error on spline->cancel solve

KSpline 0.31 keywords