Lexi 0.01 review

by rbytes.net on

Lexi project is a dict client and vocabulary builder. Lexi is a dict client that also serves as a personalized vocabulary builder

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 24K
Developer: matusa
0 stars award from rbytes.net

Lexi project is a dict client and vocabulary builder.

Lexi is a dict client that also serves as a personalized vocabulary builder.

It caches definitions and has a persistent word list.

The interface is structured to be quick and easy and features synonym clicking, drag and drop word queries, and spelling suggestions.

pmk >= 8.0
gtkmm >= 2.2

to compile:
# pmk
# make

and optionally install:
# make install

to run:
# lexi [--random|]

Lexi 0.01 keywords