libGenome 1.0.0 review
libGenome is a freely available toolkit for developing bioinformatic related software in C++.
libGenome library is intended to take the hassle out of performing common tasks on genetic sequence and annotation data.
libGenome is a development library written in ANSI C++.
It is known to compile on the following platforms:
Linux using the gcc compiler
Solaris using the gcc compiler
Windows using Metrowerks CodeWarrior
MacOS 9 using Metrowerks CodeWarrior
OpenBSD using the gcc compiler
Cygwin using the gcc compiler
libGenome can access sequence data in several different file formats:
Reads and writes Multi-FastA files, designated by a '.fas' file extension
Reads and writes GenBank flat file database entries
Reads DNAStar '.SEQ' file format
Reads and writes raw sequence data
Reads ABI file format
libGenome can manipulate sequence data in the following ways:
Erase subsequences
Insert subsequences
Ambiguity sensitive and insensitive comparison
Translate DNA to RNA, DNA to Protein, RNA to DNA, RNA to Protein, and vice versa.
libGenome has a well developed system for accessing annotation data in GenBank records.
libGenome 1.0.0 keywords