libjdkmidi 20051014 review

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libjdkmidi is a C++ MIDI Library. This library was originally a collection of utility functions for MIDI written in C back in 1986

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 441K
Developer: Jeff Koftinoff
0 stars award from

libjdkmidi is a C++ MIDI Library.

This library was originally a collection of utility functions for MIDI written in C back in 1986 for the Atari ST computer. Since then it has evolved into a fairly powerful C++ MIDI Library including:

MIDI parsing
MIDI Show Control message creation and handling
Standard MIDI File type 0 and type 1 reading and writing
Timestamped MIDI message and System Exclusive encapsulation
Efficient MIDI Track objects for sequencing
MIDI Track objects for editing MIDI events
MIDI message process chains
Containers for multiple MIDI Tracks with iterators
MIDI Sequencer core for sequencing and triggering GUI events
MIDI Driver abstractions for I/O and sequencing
MIDI Driver implementation for Win32 for I/O and sequencing
Tempo calculations
MIDI Matrix to count note on's and off's and hold pedals to avoid stuck notes and all-notes-off problems when merging midi streams
SMPTE management and calculations

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